Tuesday, January 9, 2024

How to Add a Filter to a Lookup Field in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

How to Add a Filter to a Lookup Field in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

In Microsoft Dynamics CRM, there are times when you need to filter the records displayed in a lookup field to show only a subset of the data. This can be achieved using JavaScript to add a pre-search filter. In this blog, we'll walk you through the steps to filter active contacts in a lookup field.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Create a JavaScript Web Resource

  1. Navigate to CRM:

    Go to your Dynamics CRM environment.

  2. Open the Solution:

    Open the solution where you want to add the JavaScript.

  3. Add a Web Resource:
    • Go to the "Web Resources" section.
    • Click on "New" and create a new JavaScript web resource.
  4. Add the JavaScript Code:

    Copy and paste the following JavaScript code into your new web resource:

    function setActiveContactsFilter(executionContext) {
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        var contacts = formContext.getControl("new_activecontacts");
    function filterActiveContacts() {
        var fetchXml = [
            "<filter type='and'>",
            "  <condition attribute='statuscode' operator='eq' value='1' />", // Adjust the value based on your status code for 'Active'
        // Get the lookup control
        var lookupControl = Xrm.Page.getControl("new_activecontacts");
        // Fetch the view ID and entity name
        var viewId = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"; // Replace with the actual view ID if required
        var entityName = "contact"; // Replace with the actual entity name if different
        // Create the view
        var viewDisplayName = "Filtered Active Contacts";
        var viewIsDefault = true;
        var layoutXml = ""; // Define the layout XML if needed
        // Add the view
        lookupControl.addCustomView(viewId, entityName, viewDisplayName, fetchXml, layoutXml, viewIsDefault);

    Save and publish the web resource.

Step 2: Add the JavaScript Web Resource to the Form

  1. Open the Form:

    Open the form where you want to add the lookup filter.

  2. Form Properties:

    Click on "Form Properties".

  3. Add the Web Resource:
    • In the "Form Libraries" section, add the JavaScript web resource you created.
    • In the "Event Handlers" section, add an event handler for the OnLoad event.
    • Set the function name to setActiveContactsFilter.
    • Ensure "Pass execution context as first parameter" is checked.
  4. Save and Publish:

    Save and publish your form changes.

Step 3: Test the Lookup Filter

  1. Open the Form:

    Navigate to the form where you applied the changes.

  2. Verify the Lookup Field:

    Click on the lookup field and verify that it now only displays active contacts.


Adding a filter to a lookup field in Microsoft Dynamics CRM can significantly enhance the user experience by ensuring that users only see relevant records. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily implement a filter for active contacts or any other criteria you require. Happy customizing!

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