Monday, January 27, 2025

How to Submit Form Data Dynamically in JavaScript Using FormDataHandler

Form Submission Using FormDataHandler

The FormDataHandler class provides various methods to handle form submissions dynamically. Below are the key methods and their properties.

1. submitFormDataDetail(formId, buttonControl)


We will use this method when we have to redirect to another page. This method submits form data with additional details by calling the core form submission method.


  • formId - The ID of the form element to be submitted.
  • buttonControl - The button element triggering the submission.

2. submitFormData(formId, buttonControl, detailPage)


This method handles form submission by performing validation, preparing data, and sending an AJAX request.


  • formId - The ID of the form element.
  • buttonControl - The button element triggering the submission.
  • detailPage - Boolean flag indicating whether to redirect to a detail page.

3. validateRequiredFields(formId)


Validates the required fields in the given form and highlights missing fields.


  • formId - The ID of the form to be validated.

4. generateGuid()


Generates a unique identifier (GUID) to be used for tracking purposes.

5. refreshAuthToken()


Generates a new authentication token and updates it in the browser cookies.

6. refreshGrid()


Refreshes the grid or table elements to display the latest submitted data.

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How to Submit Form Data Dynamically in JavaScript Using FormDataHandler

Form Submission Using FormDataHandler The FormDataHandler class provides various methods to handle form submissions dyn...