Monday, January 4, 2021

Interview Question of Dynamic CRM


Question 1. What Is Meant By Managed Properties?

Answer :

We can’t customize Managed solution components. By using, Managed properties of Managed solutions users can customize these Managed solution components.

Question 2. What Are The Different Types Of Solutions In Dynamics Crm?

Answer :

There are two types Dynamics CRM solutions:



We have ‘Default Solution’ also in CRM with all components of instance

Question 3. Can We Export Default Solution As “managed Solution”?

Answer :

No. We cannot export Default solution as Managed Solution.

Question 4. What Is Managed Solution?

Answer :

Managed solutions is a kind of completed package that we can distribute to others to install in their CRM organizations.

Question 5. What Is Unmanaged Solution?

Answer :

Unmanaged solutions is a group of unmanaged customizations. Any unmanaged customized solution component can be associated with any number of unmanaged solutions.

We can export an unmanaged solution as Managed solution. We can’t rollback the customizations once import into CRM instance.

Question 6. Can We Update The Components In Managed Solution?

Answer :

No, we can’t update the components in Managed solution

Question 7. How Can We Know The Owner Of Managed Solution?

Answer :

Each Managed solution is linked with Publisher. Publisher indicates the owner of the Managed solution who developed it.

Question 8. What Is The Difference Between Remove And Delete Buttons On Solution?

Answer :

Remove button release the components from the solution whereas Delete button removes the component from CRM system.

Question 9. What Are All The Steps To Create A Solution?

Answer :

Navigate to Settings – Solutions

Click on New

Fill the required fields like Name, version. Select the Publisher record (Create if not existed)

Question 10. What Are All The Steps To Export The Solution As Managed Solution?

Answer :

Navigate to Settings – Solutions

Select the solution that you want to export

Click on “Export”

Follow the Wizard and select “Managed” solution type in “Package Type” page.

Follow the remaining steps in wizard and save the solution 

Question 11. What Tables Get Effected When A New User Is Created In Ms Crm?

Answer :

When CRM creates a new user, it writes data to three different tables: [MSCRM_CONFIG].[dbo].[SystemUserAuthentication] [MSCRM_CONFIG].[dbo].[SystemUserOrganizations] [XX_MSCRM].[dbo].[SystemUserBase] The steps for creating the user in CRM is as follows: The first table is populated as soon as you press ‘Save’. Amongst other data, the users GUID in Active Directory is added to the table. Next it tries to bind the user to the chosen organization. Lastly CRM populates the table in wich is used to display CRM users in CRM. 

Question 12. On Creation Of Entity How Many Tables Will Be Created At Back End?

Answer :

Entityname+Base , EntityName+ExtensionBase

example: if you created an entity bank then following tables will be created at crm database new_bankbase , new_bankentensionbase

Question 13. Can We Hide Tab In Ms Dynamic Crm Form Using Javascript? How?

Answer :

Yes we can hide particular section using following line of code.

Question 14. I Am Using Singleton Pattern And Found That Two Objects Are Created , How Is It Possible?

Answer :

If you have multiple worker processes configured then not all of the requests are handled by the same process and thus not the same singleton. so if multiple singleton are handling requests then obviously multiple objects will be created. 

Question 15. How To Enable/disable The Form Assistant? How To Make Sure The Form Assistant Is Expanded/collapsed On A Form?

Answer :

Navigate to Customization >> Open the Entity >> Open Forms and Views >> Open Form >> Select Form Properties >> Open Display Tab >> Check/Uncheck the "Enable the Form Assistant" and "Expanded by Default".

Question 16. What Are The Maximum Number Of Tabs Allowed On A Microsoft Dynamics Crm 4.0 Form?

Answer :


Question 17. Suppose If I Have 20 User License And I Have Created 20 Users. What Will Happen If I Create 21st User?

Answer :

The 21st User will get created in MSCRM but that user will be in disabled state.

Question 18. Can We Modify The Name Of Root Business Unit?

Answer :

 No; We will have to re-install MSCRM.

Question 19. How To Join Two Table Using Query Expression?

Answer :

Using Linked entity. You should always try to minimize the number of SWS calls that we make in the database. Often during code review it is explored that the number of Microsoft CRM web-service could have been reduced by making use of the Linked-entity concept. So we should always look for the opportunity to minimize the effort.

Question 20. How To Create A Custom Entity Record Using Sdk?

Answer :

Using Dynamic Entity.

Question 21. What Is 'append' And 'append To' Privilege In Mscrm? Give One Example Of It?

Answer :

Append' and 'Append To' priviledges works together. 'Append To' priviledge will allow other entities to get attached with the entity. 'Append' priviledge will allow the entity to attach the records to the entity with 'Append To' privildege.

Let us understand this with simple example:Let us say that you want to attach a note to a case then note entity should have 'Append' access right and case entity should have 'Append To' access right.

Let us take one more example to understand this. Suppose you have two custom entities called 'TestCustomEntity1' and 'TestCustomEntity2'. You want to attach the 'TestCustomeEntity2' records to 'TestCustomEntity1'records. For this you need to have 'Append' access right on 'TestCustomEntity1' entity and 'Append To' access right on 'TestCustomEntity2'.

Now guess will I be able to attach the records? Answer is "NO" because we need to create a 1:N relationship between 'TestCustomEntity1' and 'TestCustomEntity2'.

Now the user who has above mentioned access right in his security role will only be able to add 'TestCustomEntity2' records to 'TestCustomEntity1'.

Question 22. What Is Plug-in?

Answer :

A plug-in is an custom business logic which functions for integrating microsoft dynamics CRM 2011 with microsoft dynamics CRM online. This integrating is to augment or modify the standard behavior of the platform.

Question 23. What Is The Difference Between Dialogs And Workflow?

Answer :

Dialogs refers to synchronous processes which requires user input, a wizard like interface. Where as Workflow refers to Asynchronous process which requires no user input and its an background process

Question 24. What Is Workflow?

Answer :

workflow involves the automation of business processes from one party to another whose actions are in accordance to a set of rules.

Question 25. What Is The Difference Between Plug-in And Workflow With Regard To Security Restrictions?

Answer :

The user requires an system admin or system customizer security role and membership in the development administrator group, in order to register a plug-in with platform. Whereas, the user can use the web application for workflow.

Question 26. What Is E-mail Router In Microsoft Dynamics Crm?

Answer :

E-mail router in MS CRM forms the software component which creates an interface between the Organization’s messaging system and the microsoft dynamcs CRM deployment.

Question 27. Does My Active Directory Domain Should Have Microsoft Exchange Server Installed In It?

Answer :

No, it is not neccesary. One can use in-house or external SMTP and POP3 services.

Question 28. How Can You Enable Or Disable The Form Assistant? And How To Be Sure That The Form Assistant Is Expanded Or Not?

Answer :

One can use the following pathway to ensure this– Navigate to Customization >> Open the Entity >> Open Forms and Views >> Open Form >> Select Form Properties >> Open Display Tab >> Check/Uncheck the “Enable the Form Assistant” and “Expanded by Default”.

Question 29. What Is Meant By Metadata Services Of Mscrm?

Answer :

The metadata of MSCRM holds the information about the attribute and the entity. For instance, platform name, datatype of attribute, size of the attribute, display name, etc

Question 30. What Is Discovery Services?

Answer :

The discovery services function for determining the correct organization and URL.MSCRM has many servers, each of which it, might be dedicated to multiple Organization

Question 31. Business Rules,javascript Method Which One Trigger The First?

Answer :

javascript method is clientside program and syncronous and business rules are asynchronous process so javascrit execute first.

Question 32. How Should Is Change Execution Order Between Synchronous Workflow And Plugin?

Answer :

we have tool synchronous event order in ToolBox by using we can able to update Rank of workflow.

Question 33. Maximum Number Of Processes, Stages, And Steps In Business Process Flow's?

Answer :

To ensure acceptable performance and the usability of the user interface, there are some limitations you  need to be aware of when you plan to use business process flows:

    There can be no more than 10 activated business process flow processes per entity.

    Each process can contain no more than 30 stages.

    Multi-entity processes can contain no more than five entities.

Question 34. Which Security Roles Allow You To See Secured Fields?

Answer :

System Administrator : The System Administrator field security profile gives full access to all secured fields in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. By default, all users who have the System Administrator security role have this profile. This profile is system managed and can’t be updated or deleted.

Question 35. What Will Happen If Multiple Profiles Assigned To User/team?

Answer :

User/Team receives the least restrictive permissions

Question 36. Do All Attribute Data Types Support To Restrict All Permissions With Field Level Security?

Answer :

No, there are a few additional rules that apply to certain attribute data types.
Boolean attributes can be secured for create and update operations but not for read.
Option set attributes can be secured for create, update, and read when a default value is unspecified.

Question 37. How Can We Know What Are All Attributes Can Be Secured In Crm With Field Level Security?

Answer :

There are thousands of attributes from all entities those can secured with field level security. We can get those attributes in 2 simple ways:

Install metada ta browser for the customized CRMs and query the entity metadata for the following properties CanBeSecuredForCreate, CanBeSecuredForRead and CanBeSecuredForUpdate.

Open EntityMetadata.xlsx file for uncustomized CRM and query the entity metadata for the following properties CanBeSecuredForCreate, CanBeSecuredForRead and CanBeSecuredForUpdate.

Question 38. What Type Of Operations And Data Can Be Audited In Crm?

Answer :

Below data and operations can be audited in CRM:

Create, update, and delete operations on records.

Changes to the shared privileges of a record.

N:N association or disassociation of records.

Changes to security roles.

Audit changes at the entity, attribute, and organization level. For example, enabling audit on an entity.

Deletion of audit logs.

When (date/time) a user accesses Microsoft Dynamics CRM data, for how long, and from what client.

Question 39. How Do Secured Fields Behave For Offline Synchronization?

Answer :

Only the secured field values that you have access to replicate into the offline database. If you don’t have access to the data, it is not saved offline.

Question 40. How Do Secured Fields Behave For Filtered Views?

Answer :

Filtered views will not return data for the secured fields if the calling user does not have authorization for the fields. When no field security is applied for any of the view’s attributes, the filtered views return complete data.


Question 41. How Do Secured Fields Behave When Records Are Shared?

Answer :

A user with access to a secured field in a record can choose to share it with another user or team. The user can only give the access that they have on the record. For example, to share the record and grant Update privileges, the user must have update privileges.
You can share a secured field on a particular record with Read and/or Update with a security principal (user or team). The user or team members with whom the record was shared now have that type of secured field access only on the shared secured fields on only that particular record, even if the user or team member to whom it was shared does not have a field security profile that gives them access.

Question 42. How Do Secured Fields Behave For Retrieve And Retrievemultiple?

Answer :

When user call the Retrieve/RetrieveMultiple messages, CRM evaluates if the user has access to each retrieved record and each secured field. CRM wont show error message if the retrieve column set contains secure fields instead null values are returned for secured fields.


Question 43. How Do Secured Fields Behave For Create Or Update?

Answer :

If user prepares an object with secure fields to Create/Update a record then it will show “Insufficient permission” error on creating/updating the record.

Question 44. Where Can We Get Organization And Discovery Service Urls In Crm Instance?

Answer :

Navigate to Settings –> Customizations –> Developer Resources

Question 45. What Is The Max Chars Limit For “multiline Textbox”?

Answer :

The Maximum Chars limit For “Multiline textbox” is  1048576

Question 46. What Is The Lookup Data Type And Where It Will Be Placed?

Answer :

It will be created on 1:N relationship mapping and will be placed at “N” side entity

Question 47. What Is The Char Limit For Custom Components Pre-fix?

Answer :


Question 48. What Are Requirement Levels We Have To Create A New Field For An Entity?

Answer :

o    Optional

o    Business recommended

o    Required

Question 49. What Are The Default Settings For Field Level Security And Auditing?

Answer :

o    Field level security : Disable

o    Auditing : Enable

Question 50. Where Does Crm Store Option Set Values In Sql Server?

Answer :


Question 51. What Is The Maximum Limit Of Records Can Be Displayed In Crm Grid View?

Answer :

The maximum limit of records can be displayed in CRM grid view is 250.

Question 52. Where Can We Change The Number, Currency And Time Formats?

Answer :

o    Click on settings Icon at top right corner of the CRM instance

o    Select Options

o    Under format tab

o    Click on “Customize”

o    Here, user can change the format of Number, Currency, Date and Time

Question 53. What Are The Different Data Types We Have In Crm?

Answer :

o    Single line of text

o    Multiple lines of text

o    Currency

o    Date and Time

o    Whole Number

o    Decimal Number

o    Floating Point Number

o    Option set

o    Two Options

o    Image

o    Lookup

Question 54. Where Can We Set The Default Module And Entity To Get On Opening Crm?

Answer :

o    Click on settings Icon at top right corner of the CRM instance

o    Select Options

o    Under General tab, select Default pane and Default Tab

Question 55. Where To Do The User Related (personal) Settings?

Answer :

o    Click on settings Icon at top right corner of the CRM instance

o    Select Options

o    Here, user can update general settings like default module, #records per grid view, tmezon, currency, email settings, format settings, synchronization settings, email templates and etc.

Question 56. Where To Change The #of Records Count Limit That Displaying In Entity Grid View?

Answer :

o    Click on settings Icon at top right corner of the CRM instance.

o    Select Options.

o    Under General tab, select the value for Records per page (25, 50, 75, 100 and 250).

Question 57. What Are The Permission We Can Restrict On Specific Field With Field Level Security?

Answer :

Below are the security permission that we can restrict the users/teams on individual fields:

o    Read

o    Create

o    Update

Question 58. What Are The High Level Steps To Enable Field Level Security?

Answer :

o    Enable field-level security for an attribute.

o    Create a field-level security profile.

o    Associate users or teams with the profile.

o    Add specific field permissions, such as Create, Update or Read for a specific attribute to the profile.


Question 59. What Will Happen If A Field Is Enabled For Field Level Security?

Answer :

o    A field that is enabled for field level security is added to all field level security profiles in CRM.

o    It will automatically be added to all Field Level security roles with Read, Create and Update all set to No.

Question 60. What A Field Level Security Profile Contains In Crm?

Answer :

Field level security profile contains all the fields from all entities which are enabled for field level security.

Q61) What is the process to update the Managed solution?

Ans: By using Managed Properties or a Managed solution.


Q62) What are all the components require to Publish when they update in the system?

Ans: Below solution components require publishing when they are updated:
1. Application Ribbon

2. Entity

3. Entity Relationship

4. Field

5. Form

6. Message

7. Option Set

8. Site Map

10. Web Resource


Q63) What are the minimum privileges required to create a solution?

Ans: Below is the minimum privileges required to create a solution.

1. Read-write of Customizations

2. Read-write of solutions

3. Read-write of publishers

4. Read-write of web resources

5. Import and Export customizations

6. Publish customizations

Q64) What are all components that can be added to the solution?

Ans: The following is a list of solution components that you can view within a solution: Application Ribbon

1. Article Template

2. Business Rule

3. Chart

4. Connection Role

5. Contract Template

6. Dashboard

7. Email Template

8. Entity

9. Entity Relationship

10. Field

11. Field Security Profile

12. Form

13. Mail Merge Template

14. Message

15. Option Set

16. Plug-in Assembly

17. Process

18. Report

19. SDK Message Processing Step

20. Security Role

21. Service Endpoint

22. Site Map

23. Web Resource

Q65) What are all the new components we create from the solution?

Ans: Below components can be directly created from the solution file:

1. Entity

2. Option sets

3. Web Resources

4. Processes

5. Dashboards

6. Reports

7. Connection Roles

8. Security Roles

9. Templates (Email, Mail merge, contract, and Article)

10. Field security profiles


Q66) What is meant by Managed Properties?

Ans: We can’t customize Managed solution components. By using, Managed properties of Managed solutions users can customize these Managed solution components.


Q67) What is meant by the publisher and why we are using it in Dynamics CRM Solutions?

Ans: Every solution in CRM has a Publisher. Publisher record stores the information like address and contact information of solution publisher.

CRM default solution has its own default publisher with the name “Default Publisher for ”

We can create our own Publisher for a solution and can define the “Prefix” for the custom components and start the value of Option set values.


Q68) What is meant by web resources and how many types of web resources we have?

Ans: The web resource is one of the components in CRM to create JS, HTML, Silverlight, images, and style sheet files. We can create the below types of web resources in CRM:

1. Webpage (HTML)

2. Style Sheet (CSS)

3. Script (JScript)

4. Data (XML)

5. Image (PNG)

6. Image (JPG)

7. Image (GIF)

8. Silverlight (XAP)

9. StyleSheet (XSL)

10. Image (ICO)


69. When will you use workflow?


The answer would likely be: it depends on the characteristics of the task that is under consideration. And the same thing applies to plug-in.


70What is your CRM experience?


71. Tell me about your last CRM project?


They should talk about (otherwise, ask) the following:






Any difficulties experienced / overcome

What skills were used


72. What development tools do you use for CRM development?


Most will say: CRM Developer toolkit, XrmToolkit, Ribbon Workbench, Plugin Registration. 

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