Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Difference between Managed Solution AND Unmanaged Solution

Unmanaged Solution : All solutions starts out as Unmanaged. When it is in the Unmanaged state, you can add, remove, update, and test any of the components of the solutions. You can delete components of your unmanaged solutions, while leaving it available for use in the rest of the system some on the MS CRM dev team have linked this to your ‘Source’ code of your system. The great thing about an unmanaged solution is that during developments, you can create restrictions (like ‘not customizable’) on the components as they evolve. Managed Solutions : When your unmanaged solution is ready for the show, you simply export it too ‘Managed’. You could think of this as ‘compiling’ you code. You set the restrictions (i.e., prevent customizations on certain components) and the end user lives by those rules. But remember, they can still customize the components of the solution that are unrestricted. You cannot add or remove components of a solution, even if the component is unmanaged. Once you have packaged the Managed Solution, it can be installed into another organization. They can also be deployed across multiple deployment types (Online, Partner Hosted, On-Premises) and all CRM Clients (web, Outlook, Mobile Express, and Offline via Outlook Client).

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